Sunday, 25 September 2011

Burano - ticked off my list of "Wanna Do"

I had a great day yesterday, I caught two vaporetti and one ferry to the island of Burano which is where Venice's hand made lace comes from and where the houses are all painted in bright colours.  I love the colour of the place and have really been looking forward to going there!  I wasn't disappointed!
(Shops and houses along the canal)

(Shops along the canal)

(I could live in a purple house)

Once the vaporetto arrived at the island, people went everywhere, they remind me of ants!  Again I had no idea where I was going so I just followed the crowd past shops with all variety of lace and fabric and turned down and walked past the shops lining one side of the canal to the end where I crossed a bridge and went back down the other side.  I ended up buying three tops and a scarf.  I am spending money like it's no object.  Believe me, it is an object!
I found a pizzeria and had grilled scampie - yum but not very filling, lucky I got bread rolls with it!  As I sat and dug the meat out of the shell, a wedding procession went past, the bride keeping with the colourfulness of her surroundings and had royal blue intertwined in her white wedding dress, it looked lovely and contrasting with the grooms darkish grey suit.  People frocked up in all manner of wedding garb - smoking and chattering away on their mobile phones - went parading behind the bride and groom past all the shops where every shop keeper came out and double kissed the bride, it took them a while to get to the end of the row of shops!
(Lunch in Burano)

(My view as I ate my lunch)

(wedding in Burano)

After lunch I wound my way back up the canal and back to the vaporetto, then ferry and then got on to another vaporetto that took me to my final destinaton but it went the long way and I saw everything along the Canal Grande I hadn't seen  before so I was more than happy to get the 'slow' waterbus, the 'conductor' thought I was a bit crazy to be happy to get the slow waterbus, and I probably am, craziness has helped me get by so far!

(Fish under a boat in a Burano canal)

(Leaving Burano)
(Coming back in to San Marco)
Then I went off to my mask making demonstration.  How easy is mask making!  A simple form of papier mache and bingo bango, mask is made!  The decorating obviously can be as time consuming as you want it to be, there are some absolutely beautiful masks in the shop too.
Today I need to get to the post office - I have been trying to get there for three days but I get so easily side tracked!  I need to send some things home before I move on so I have less to haul around.  I am going to force myself to stick to that plan.  Then after that, I might wander the other side of the Canal Grande that I have not seen yet and see how lost I can get!
(cops in a traffic jam)

(They eventually got loose!)
(Is this called a "fleet"?)

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