Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Monterchi - day 3

I have just come back from one of the most hilarious experiences I have had in a long long time, and I  am still laughing about it!
Background - since my 2nd day in Venice I have not been able to stop coughing.  I went to the chemist there and got some more ventalin because the one I had bought with me had just about run out.  2 weeks later I am still coughing and waking every night coughing.  It is driving me nuts!
This afternoon I went to the farmacy and asked where I could find a doctor.  The doctor is at the bottom of the hill just outside the castle walls here, he opens at 6pm and no, I dont need to ring and make a time.
6.05pm I go down the hill and find the building.  Inside are two rooms next to each other, separated by an archway in the wall.  Each room has 10 chairs lining the walls, a coffee table and two magazines on each coffee table.  Off each room is a door that is closed.  Behind the closed door is a doctor. 
On each chair except one someone is sitting, so I walked in, could not see a receptionist, only one empty chair so I went and sat on it.  I had no idea what happened next, I just sat like everyone else.
The waiting rooms were two of the loudest rooms I have ever been in, everyone knew each other of course (except me) and everyone was talking to each other, loudly so they could get over the top of everyone else speaking!  The waiting rooms were a big meeting area for everyone to catch up and have a chat and a gossip, even the men and couple of young guys were involved.  Next, the local Father is seen walking up the pathway, the moans from a couple of the women were hilarious, a stage whispered 'ohhhhh mamma mia' and a shuffling of seats so backs were to the door!!!  Father walks in and blesses everyone, mutters a few words and walks out again, blessing everyone as he went!
Outside was another impromptu waiting area where the latecomers sat because there were no chairs inside.  Most of them were kind enough to keep their smoking outside while they chatted with the new young mothers and their new babies - MOST - some smokers needed to smoke inside because they were involved with the conversations taking part inside!
While I was sitting, I was observant enough to work out the system of the waiting room.  Everyone sitting in one side of the archway were to see the dr in the room behind the door on that side, everyone sitting on the other side of the archway were to see the dr in the room behind the door on that side.  Everyone waiting knew which order we were in, as soon as someone walked out of the doctors room the next person jumped up and walked in.  No one paid.  No formal order.  just an order that was understood.
My turn came and I wasn't quick enough standing obviously because the old duck sitting next to me poked me in the side and said very loudly 'Signora!', so in I went to find a quite young and very nice doctor sitting behind his desk with a big smile on his face!
He checked me out, not asthma, pharengytis.  He stamped his name and address on a sheet of paper, I wrote my name under that, he wrote three prescriptions, gave me a big smile and shook my hand as I stood up and left.
I walked out of there with a big grin on my face and was nearly knocked over by the next person running in to see the doctor!
I left there with my piece of paper and took it to the farmacy.  The farmacy was similar to the doctors' waiting room with the same people in the same order with their pieces of paper waiting for their drugs.
My turn came, the chemist gave me three boxes and told me how and when to take them, no labels, nothing recorded, and was given the prescription paper back. I of course had to write them down on the boxes, and the chemist was so impressed that I knew they were 'dopo colazione' (after breakfast), 'dopo cena' (after dinner) 'e venty cinque drops a letto' (and 25 drops at bed time).  The chemist had a big grin on her face and gave me a "BRAVA!!!!" as I walked out the door!
I swear, tonight is one of the funniest things I have experienced in a long time! Everyone should experience going to an Italian village doctor at least once in their lives! I am so glad I am sick!
The doctor gave me another piece of paper "Venerdi 11 - 13" - he wants to see me again on Thursday between 11 and 1!  I can't wait! :)

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